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Extra Clear Glasses

Extra Clear Glasses

Extra Clear glasses are glasses with reduced iron content during production. The greenish appearance becomes more transparent in glass due to the reduced iron content. Extra Clear glasses are glasses with reduced iron content during production. The greenish appearance becomes more transparent in glass due to the reduced iron content. ExtraClear glasses are commonly used in product promotion glasses, especially in aquariums.

Contrary to popular belief, the strength of these glasses with reduced iron does not decrease, because the reduced iron ratio is one in a thousand. There is a color difference between the enamel paint applied on extraclear glass and the enamel paint applied on plain glass. Users should pay attention to this.

Extra Clear glass has higher light transmittance than plain glass. But it is a more expensive glass. Users who care more about the visuality prefer. All operations on flat glass, hole, paint, lapping etc. can also be applied to extraclear glass.